If you do not make a Will your property and other assets may not pass to whom you want. The future well-being of your family may depend on you having prepared an effective and legally valid Will. Using our specialist knowledge of property and inheritance tax law we will help you cater for a number of different possibilities and prepare a Will which will give you peace of mind and maximise your tax allowances.
Anyone can buy a Will from a local shop and draft it on his/her own. However, there are a number of reasons why this may not be ideal. The main problem with “home made Wills” is that one mistake or omission, no matter how small, may invalidate the whole Will. The intention of your Will may be very simple but the legal formalities and language required are complicated and must be strictly followed.
We realise that the thought of making a Will can be a particularly unpleasant and sometimes daunting one but we will provide you with advice every step of the way. To protect you and your family it is essential to put your affairs in order and make and keep an up to date Will.